Sandhya & Vinodh Welcome You To The Baby Gender Guessing Adventure!

Get ready for a side-splitting, baby gender guessing adventure!

Embrace the unpredictable and join the laughter as we predict the future of our little bundle of joy!

Attention, friends and family!

We're delighted to announce the arrival of our Baby this October, 2023!

A hilarious and unpredictable guessing game for you to participate! Our little one is on the way, and we're ready to turn the anticipation into a barrel of laughs.

Unleash Your Inner Psychic

Are you a baby gender predicting prodigy?

It's time to dust off your crystal ball, fine-tune your psychic powers, and tap into the mystical realms of baby gender prediction! We challenge you to channel your inner clairvoyant and make the wildest, most outrageous guesses about our little munchkin's gender.

Laugh Your Way to Accuracy

Accuracy isn't the goal,

hilarity is!

We've thrown the notion of accuracy out the window! This guessing game is all about letting your imagination run wild, embracing the absurd, and having a jolly good time. Get ready to make wildly incorrect guesses that will have everyone in stitches!

Enter to win!

The fun doesn't stop at guessing – get ready for a $25 amazon gift card!

Three lucky participants with funny and hilarious responses to the poll win a $25 amazon gift card. You don't need to guess the baby gender right. But, submissions with creative, funny responses to the poll await the prize! So make sure your responses are funny and hilarious for a chance to win the prize that will leave you in awe.

Join the Hilarity!

Your participation makes it more fun – join us now!

We can't wait to share this journey with our beloved friends and family. Your participation will add an extra sprinkle of mirth to our baby gender guessing adventure. So, join us now and let's create memories that will keep us laughing for years to come!

Note: The Great Baby Gender Guessing Adventure is all about laughter, love, and celebrating the joyous anticipation of welcoming our little one. Join us in this uproarious adventure and let's embrace the unpredictable together! Please note that the Great Baby Gender Guessing adventure is purely for entertainment purposes. The results of this guessing game have no scientific or predictive value whatsoever. We encourage you to enjoy the hilarity, but remember that the true gender of our baby will be revealed on June 4th, 10AM IST, Sunday!